Transform ​Your Life:

Healing, Growth, and Empowerment ​Coaching for Women

Meet Alethea Crimmins

The International Positivity Motivator

Alethea Crimmins, known globally as the “Positivity Queen,” lives by uplifting mantras like “Be Great In Their Face” and spreads joy through her signature “Ya’ Welcome!” As the vibrant host of the “Pimpin’ Positivity with Alethea Crimmins” podcast, her loud but gentle voice resonates, empowering millions.

For over 15 years, Alethea motivated young minds as a devoted educator. Now, she has left the school system to pursue speaking and coaching full-time. However, her passion for nurturing youth still shines through.

In her free time, Alethea satisfies her creative spirit through music - whether singing solo or rocking crowds with her reggae band.

Now, this self-made positivity influencer and ​motivational speaker aims to bring her uplifting ​message of self-love, empowerment, and resilience to ​stages worldwide. Her mission is to inspire others ​particularly women and the LGTBQ community to turn ​their own pain into purpose.

Celebrated by Madonna, Viola Davis, Rihanna and ​beyond, Alethea brought her motivational spirit to The ​Jennifer Hudson Show. She's ready to touch more lives ​with her message: "You have greatness within you - let ​it shine!"

Do you recognize the pain of looking in ​the mirror and not liking the reflection?

Have you ever heard that inner critic ​whisper, 'You'll never be enough'?

I've been there, in those shadowed valleys of ​self-doubt, feeling undeserving of the very ​space I occupied.

But I'm here to tell you: ​transformation is within reach. Together, we'll ​silence those crippling inner voices and rewrite the ​narratives that have undersold your worth. It's time ​to break free and embrace your true beauty, light, ​and purpose.

The world can sometimes be an unkind judge, its ​eyes and words slicing through confidence and ​strength. I've felt the sting of such judgments too. ​But there is a way to rise above it. Together, we can ​learn to tune out the noise of harsh labels and ​imposed limitations. We'll shatter the distorted ​mirrors of societal expectations, empowering you ​to author your own story, free from the confines of ​others' viewpoints.

Letting someone into your inner world ​can be daunting, and skepticism ​about coaching is natural.

But consider Sandra's story.

She approached me, ​burdened with anxiety and self-doubt. Through ​our journey together, we reignited her inner light. ​

She now lives each day with purpose, joy, and a ​boldness that radiates from within.

You too possess this untapped greatness.

With a ​blend of courage and guidance, we can uncover it.

Are you ready to be the vibrant soul who uplifts others?

Take my hand; a brighter day beckons.


the weight of ​unfulfilled dreams ​and untapped ​potential

Picture days, months, even years slipping by while the ​echo of 'what could have been' grows louder. This is the ​cost of leaving these deep-seated issues unaddressed. ​The shadow of regret can cast a long, dark veil over ​your life, muffling the vibrant, joyful existence you ​deserve.

Without action, the whispers of self-doubt can turn into ​deafening roars, convincing you to shrink back when ​you should be stepping forward. The judgment and ​limits others set for you can become walls, trapping ​you in a life less lived.

And the hesitation to seek help? It can mean ​missing the chance to awaken the extraordinary ​woman within you, who is ready to live boldly, ​brightly, and with unshakeable confidence.

You deserve a BETTER life

Where you wake up excited, knowing you are living true to yourself. Where self-love ​isn't just a concept, but your reality. Where every step you take is a step towards a ​future you've dreamed of — not one shadowed by 'what ifs' and regrets.


the R.O.A.R. Coaching Program

Are you ready to shred the veil of fear and self-doubt, ​to finally reveal the bold, brilliant woman within?

Welcome to R.O.A.R. - a transformational coaching ​program designed to help you reset, overcome, act, and ​reimagine your extraordinary life.

"After feeling lost for years, I finally feel like myself again thanks to our reset ​work. My life's purpose is shining through."



Reset: Reconnect with ​Your True Self

Our journey starts by resetting down to your core. We'll ​strip away suffocating layers of doubt, toxic expectations, ​past traumas - revealing the authentic you. I'll be your ​anchor as you rediscover your buried essence and what ​sets your soul on fire.


Overcome Obstacles: ​Tear Down Your Barriers

Next, we'll identify obstacles holding you back and ​develop strategies to overcome them. Whether it's ​deep-seated fears, impostor syndrome, or current life ​challenges, together we will tear down the barriers ​restricting your goals and potential.


Action: Charge Forward ​as the Confident You

In this stage, we'll design an action plan and equip you ​with tools to step forward boldly and make empowering ​changes. You'll gain unstoppable momentum as we ​bring your aspirations within reach. Your renewed ​confidence and self-belief will be unmistakable.


Reimagine: Envision Your ​Fulfilled Future Self

Finally, we'll bring your dreams into clear focus, ​reimagining and visualizing your ideal life. I'll guide you ​to tangible steps so you can make your bold future self a ​reality. You'll walk out not only hearing your inner voice, ​but leading unconditionally as your true self.

Register for a consultation today to start ROARing ahead with ​purpose! A courageous, empowered future awaits.

"I needed accountability, support and guidance from a life coach I could see was farther along the path on the journey I was about to take. I had big ideas, but that's all they were before I began meeting with Alethea. We meet on a regular basis to review progress on the specific goals I have set for myself with her support. I am so excited to see what I achieve in 2024! If you are ready to pursue your creative dreams or just make some positive changes you know you need to make, Alethea is the coach and cheerleader you need!"

Over 12 weeks, you’ll receive:

  • Eight 60-minute online coaching sessions focused on ​your mindset, growth, and empowerment

  • Ongoing support via text/email between sessions for ​tailored guidance

  • Lifetime access to our Foundational Mindfulness ​audio course for self-awareness and healing

  • A complimentary 30-minute consultation to launch ​your transformation

  • Personalized action plans, worksheets, and tools to ​propel your progress

  • Direct access to me for accountability, inspiration ​and care through your journey


Addressing Your Questions and Concerns

What exactly can I expect from the R.O.A.R. coaching program?

R.O.A.R. is a comprehensive 12-week coaching program designed to help you reset your mindset, overcome obstacles, take action, and reimagine your life. You'll receive personalized coaching, actionable strategies, and resources like the mindfulness self-study course to guide you towards a life of confidence and purpose.

I've never tried life coaching before. How do I know if it's right for me?

Life coaching is suitable for anyone seeking personal growth and positive change. If you're looking to improve self-confidence, find direction, or overcome specific challenges, R.O.A.R. can help. The initial consultation is a risk-free way to learn if the program is a good fit.

How are the coaching sessions conducted?

The six 60-minute coaching sessions are conducted online, offering flexibility and convenience. You can attend sessions right from your home or office!

What kind of support will I receive between coaching sessions?

You'll have continuous support through Vox and email, ensuring you're never alone on this journey. Whether you have questions, need guidance, or want to share a success, I'm here to support you every step of the way.

Is life coaching like therapy?

While there are similarities, life coaching has a different focus from therapy. The focus is on designing goals and action plans to manifest the life you desire. Coaching is more action-oriented and looks ahead to who you want to become.

What happens if I don't see any changes?

Change is a process, and it varies for each individual. The key is your active participation and commitment. I'm dedicated to helping you achieve your goals, and together, we will continually refine our approach to ensure you're making the progress you desire.

Can I continue to access resources after the program ends?

Absolutely! You'll have lifetime access to the Foundational Mindfulness Self-Study Course, and you can stay connected through our post-program support via email and the Facebook group. Lifetime access to resources means they are available anytime after completing the program.

What is the investment for the R.O.A.R. program?

The full investment for the R.O.A.R. program is $XXX. This covers the comprehensive 12 weeks of personalized coaching, all program materials, and lifetime access to the self-study course. While this is a financial commitment, it's important to remember that the transformation you'll undergo and the enriched life you'll lead as a result are truly priceless. This is an investment in your future self, empowering you to live the life you've always dreamed of.

You owe it to yourself to ​explore how the R.O.A.R. program ​can transform your life, just as ​it has for so many others

Don't let another day pass wishing for change.

Take the next step today by scheduling a ​complimentary 30-minute consultation.
Invest in ​yourself, in your growth, and in your unlimited ​potential. The journey to a more confident, ​empowered, and fulfilled you starts here.